Tuesday, 26 February 2019

No Snow For Me!

As you have probably seen in the weather forecasts, news bulletins and newspapers, many parts of Scotland and England were hit by heavy snowfalls in the early days of February - but not in my part of Scotland! the Scottish Borders haven't as much as a flake of the white stuff falling - actually temperatures reaching 16 degrees centigrade! I sell knitwear.....what do I need these temperatures for in February?????

Moaning about the lack of snow apart, it's not been a bad old month.
Had a few day's away from the daily grind and went sight seeing, had long walks and generally did 'stuff" then work came in by the bucket load and in a short space of time! I am always amazed when I get a roll of customers all at once......then nothing for weeks and weeks - that's life!

One thing I never moan about is that I don't have to commute to work.....I just toddle over to my knitting space...then sit down.
The reason I'm saying this is that I've just come back from a wee car journey and had my beloved Radio 2 playing cheerily away.....then came the Road Report....M25 -lane 7 to lane 10 closed southbound due to accidents and the M6 drivers have lost the will to live.......oh I feel smug!

Knitting wise I finished a Custom Knit  Hoodie for a little chap and it's on it's way to Australia. I popped the photographs on to my Etsy shop scottishknitwearforkidsandgrownups.com so that is you want a Custom Knit in any size from 25" (63.5 cms) to 44" (112 cms) and in your choice of colour just click on the "Request Custom Order" icon on the left hand side my shop page.
Next a couple of Custom orders have appeared in my inbox.
You might remember this blue sweater dress with matching cowl? I did this in 2017 and someone has contacted me and asked for a copy, to be done in a shade of Pure Scottish Aran Wool called Woodland

I've made a good start to this so if you keep an eye on my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ScottishKnitwearforkidsandgrownups
you'll see a sneak peak - possibly tomorrow -of the work in progress.

Then someone has sent me a pattern of this Vintage Hoodie which they want done in the natural Aran Cream Colour
Once knitted up, this will also go on to my Etsy shop so others can ask for a Custom Knit!

So that's my February in a nutshell.
Speaking of which, time to go out to the patio and sweep up the nutshells and bits of suet balls that I put out for the messy garden birds.

Take care of yourselves out there and hope life treats you well until we chat again

Written by Sandra Bean


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